Contact Us Bearpaw Shilohs InquiryALL Inquires, complete this (first & last) *email *NOTE: yahoo & aol users... due to some security protection issues, if you are using an or address, please use in the email address section and note your correct email address in the comment section of this subject (select one)general inquirypuppy inquirycomments PUPPY INQUIRIES, complete section below....I am interested in the following 2019 Phoebe/Zephyr2019 KelliBear/BanditAny LitterAvailable AdultI am looking for (select one)any puppy; sex does not mattermale puppyfemale puppyMy family currently consists of (select one)adults only, no petschildren, no petschildren and petspets, no childrenMy experience includes (select one)I own/have owned a Shiloh ShepherdI own/have owned a German Shepherd DogI have never owned a Shiloh Shepherd or German Shepherd Dog VerificationPlease enter any two digits *Example: 12This box is for spam protection - <strong>please leave it blank</strong>: